Generic name:Calcium Gluconate Injection 25%
It contains 250mg/ml of Calcium gluconate.
The product is indicated for the treatment of calcium deficiency diseases, such as parturient paresis, rickets, osteomalacia and anaphylactic diseases.
- Cattle, sheep: for stomach atony, milk fever, postpartum hypocalcemia, postpartum aphagia, retention of placenta;
- Livestock: rickets, osteomalacia, mastication atonia, cramp, muscle rigidity and walk with sway;
- Poultry: treat and prevent vent pecking, feather pecking, soft-preserved eggs and thin preserved eggs. Alleviating stresses caused by debeak, vaccine inoculation and climate changes;
- It has hemostasis function for petechial disease and other hemorrhagic diseases and can alleviate central inhibition caused by magnesium ions;
- It can used to prevent urticaria, serum sickness, pulmonary edema and other anaphylactic diseases caused by increased permeability of capillary wall;
- This product can also improve milk production, egg production and promote growth, balance body fluid and strengthen the resistibility.
Administration and Dosage :
By intravenous injection slowly.
Make sure that the content of the bottle has the same temperature as the body temperature of the animal to be treated.
Cattle & horse: 100 - 200ml
Sheep & pig: 20 - 60ml
Dog :2 - 8ml
Massage the subcutaneous site gently after administration.
Don't use with cardenolide.
Storage: keep way from children
Keep sealed in cool, shady place